This conversation has been fascinating. I've nearly started a similar thread myself recently. I did a lot of thinking about processing speed and working memory after reading a book recommended here called something like "Bright Kids Who Can't Keep Up". Also after reading my kids recent SB5 reports and giving a lot of inexpert thought to the differences between the SB5 and WISC.

Is processing speed actually processing speed or is it at least partially visual working memory? Is working memory actually auditory/verbal processing speed? Are these constructs as different as they tend to be described? Are they facets of the same thing?

Two of my kids qualified to gifted composite scores on the SB5 due to lower working memory scores, I was fascinated that as well as removing their two lowest scores the GCS also removed their single highest or equal highest score - Non Verbal Visual Spatial Processing is a major strength of my kids, working memory is not, though the SB5 at least tests NV WMI, which is stronger in all three of my kids than verbal...

I can very much relate to the fast/slow child syndrome described, and also both terrible and amazing aspects to their memories... Such a complex thing.