Originally Posted by MichelleC
bluemagic - your post came through while I was reviewing old posts by polarbear, and oh yes, we have seen anxiety in the classroom when writing becomes impossible. I hope now you can see your DS finding some mental peace along with easier academics. Do please share what interventions/ accommodations make the most difference for him.

When I was starting to suspect 2E last spring I found this article after posting questions on this board.

We just got our diagnosis this summer and finalized the 504 last week. It's too early to tell how well the interventions are working. My DS is getting private tutoring, privately working with a psychologist who specializes with gifted teens. His 504 allows him extra time for writing assignments, I've yet to see this implemented. Allowed to turn in work late if he has an anxiety attack and can't get it done on time. (It's worded awkwardly and I have to sign off that he really "froze" rather than just "forgot".) They want him to circle problems on homework/lab assignments if he is stuck and needs a problem "re-framed". He is to talk with the teacher, and the teacher is then expected to allow him to turn these in late. Since he is a H.S. student they really want him to take ownership of the problem, notice when he is stuck before melting down, and ask for help.

It has helped just to let the teachers know what problems to expect. The school psychologist had a great example for me last week. After our first meeting this year, DS's Spanish teacher assigned the class to write a story in Spanish about a picture she had provided. Typical of my son he wrote nothing (although he is doing otherwise well in the class). Instead of giving him a zero, she went back to the psychologist and they figured out how to re-frame the question. Asking him to simple describe the picture rather than tell a story. When my son was given the re-framed prompt my son did an quick and good job and the teacher was excited that she figured out how to work with him.