DS8 hits a lot of symptoms for stealth dyslexia, but they don't test for it here so no diagnosis. He seems to have the motor type (Disnemkinesia?).

we are doing edublox and I can already see differences - he reads about 2-3 grade levels above his own - but didn't seem to enjoy it before. Since about 1 month in from starting edublox he seems to find it much easier to read and is far more eager to get stuck into diary of a wimpy kid or the next roald dahl.

His handwriting has also never been good and that is also improving since we started this.

Obviously different programs work for different types of LD, and even variations within LD, but this seems to be helping DS a lot, so thought I'd share.

“...million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten.”
-Terry Pratchett