Originally Posted by Loy58
Ametrine, DD is in this situation with the 2-5 MAP (she is 99-99-99 in reading, language, and math), and even her principal speculated in the spring that perhaps she should be moved up to the 6+ test. In the fall, however, she again took the 2-5 test, and she does have a standard error of 4 in math and reading. I have honestly not pushed for the higher test, because I don't think it would really help her at all - we've struggled to have the school even really look at her RIT score (and make any changes as a result).

When I learn more, I'll come back to this thread to share.
DS showed no growth for last year in reading, even with a year skip, but grew instead over the summer (typical of gifted kids, I read). So, I'm hoping I'll have some buy-in on a 6+ test so the school can better track progress. Since DS has been moved two years ahead in math already and a year in reading, I hope the 6+ test will show where he REALLY is, not where the school thinks he is.