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Posted By: Ametrine Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) on MAP - 10/17/14 04:41 PM
Our child was tested on the 2-5 MAP and received scores for math, language usage and reading all in the 99-99 percentile range.

According to this document: Topping Out the MAP Assessment , a child scoring in the 95%-99% range has the possibility of having "topped out" on the MAP test they took. Other factors include a student standard of error being higher than 4. I found this on NWEA's Spark Community site about standard of error in high achieving students.

I received a sheet of my son's RIT scores with a graph, but not a SEM score and also not information on how many test items he answered correctly. Since answering more than 65% of items correct is also a factor to consider, I think it's important info to have.

Has anyone asked their child's teacher for a SEM and for the percentage of correctly answered items when they are trying to determine if the MAP test their child is being tested on should be the next higher one?

I'm bumping this post. We have our p-t conference soon and I'm hoping someone who knows MAP can help.
Posted By: Loy58 Re: Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) on MAP - 10/25/14 01:25 AM
Ametrine, DD is in this situation with the 2-5 MAP (she is 99-99-99 in reading, language, and math), and even her principal speculated in the spring that perhaps she should be moved up to the 6+ test. In the fall, however, she again took the 2-5 test, and she does have a standard error of 4 in math and reading. I have honestly not pushed for the higher test, because I don't think it would really help her at all - we've struggled to have the school even really look at her RIT score (and make any changes as a result).
Originally Posted by Loy58
Ametrine, DD is in this situation with the 2-5 MAP (she is 99-99-99 in reading, language, and math), and even her principal speculated in the spring that perhaps she should be moved up to the 6+ test. In the fall, however, she again took the 2-5 test, and she does have a standard error of 4 in math and reading. I have honestly not pushed for the higher test, because I don't think it would really help her at all - we've struggled to have the school even really look at her RIT score (and make any changes as a result).

When I learn more, I'll come back to this thread to share.
DS showed no growth for last year in reading, even with a year skip, but grew instead over the summer (typical of gifted kids, I read). So, I'm hoping I'll have some buy-in on a 6+ test so the school can better track progress. Since DS has been moved two years ahead in math already and a year in reading, I hope the 6+ test will show where he REALLY is, not where the school thinks he is.
Posted By: Loy58 Re: Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) on MAP - 10/27/14 07:04 PM
Yes, same here. High reading score in fall of LAST year, no reading growth for entire year last year, and then a year's worth of growth over the summer.

Yes, it sounds like both of our DC need to take the 6+ test - part of the growth pattern could be due to the test level - entirely possible.
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