I have never heard of an assessor D/Cing an assessment before a natural ceiling because they had enough data to rule out cognitive disability. I'm guessing your LEA is even more short-staffed than most, if that's the approach they're taking. I would have chosen a briefer instrument, but administered it under standard conditions. The RIAS/RIST starts at age 3, and the DIAL-4 is a screening instrument that starts at age 2-6, but is specifically designed for this function--ruling out/identifying delays in the Big 5 areas of child development (including cognitive). And it only takes 30-45 minutes to screen all five areas covered by IFSPs. Seems like kind of a waste of an intelligence test administration to give half the test.

Glad to hear you are essentially getting 504-type accommodations even without a 504. You might keep an eye on this (and document carefully that these informal accommodations have been part of her routine instruction) heading into middle/high/college years, though, as it may become more important to have formal support as the expectations ramp up. Also if SAT/ACT extended time accommodations become an issue, she MUST have a 504 or IEP. Not one created the year of testing, either, preferably. And secondary teachers are a different breed than elementary teachers; they might not be quite as happy to provide these on a mere request.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...