Thanks for asking. We aren't all set with the logistics and timing yet. Hub and I have to figure out who will get which child where they need to be each day and who will do teaching and when. That seems to be rather a lot, yet we feel like it is really not a big deal at this point. DS initiated a conversation on Saturday about equivalents in money which led to a discussion on multiplication which led to he and I creating a multiplication table Saturday night. He wouldn't go to bed until we had made one. Then he was up on Sunday studying it and making comments about the patterns in the number sequences. Then he initiated showing me how many ways he could make 88 cents with different coins. I just ran with him, trying to keep up and offer one more question to keep him thinking. It was then that I realized, as Trinity pointed out before, we already ARE homeschooling him in math! And on the weekend, no less!

So, now we just have to get copies of some of the Saxon stuff from school so we know what we our goals are, in case he returns to school for math. But I think we'll use other methods for teaching. Singapore has been highly recommended. And some other resources we can combine. I'm actually getting pretty pumped up about it all - can hardly wait to see how DS does when he has free rein!