Hi Debbie,

I feel like you and I are in the same boat! I'm so sorry you didn't have better results at your meeting.

You mentioned possibly keeping your DS home in the mornings and sending him to school later. I wonder...how many hours is DS required to be at school for it to count as full attendance?

The reason I'm asking is, I think I may have found a loophole in our district. If the child is at school until at least 10am, they are counted as having been there a full day. I have a feeling we might be using that loophole in the future...maybe sending DS to school until lunchtime (11-ish), then bringing him home for some actual learning.

If we do it the opposite way though, keeping him in the morning and sending him in the afternoon, he would be counted as absent every day. Just something to consider.

Good luck, and keep at it!
