My oldest dd has dyslexia, dyspraxia, significantly low processing speed, and receptive language troubles (12th% I believe). She is on an IEP and is receiving her math instruction only from the learning specialist (and not the classroom teacher) three times a week. The other two days she (as well as the other students in her grade with math IEPs that are only instructed by the LS in math) works on assigned math worksheets. The issue is that her teacher doesn't have a classroom schedule so math isn't at a set time for her class (it is for the other 5th grade class and from what I know of all the other grades both 5th grade teachers should have an identical time table so they are doing the same things at the same time). As a result my dd is missing other subjects/instruction when she is pulled out. It seems it is most often science she misses when she gets pulled out by the learning specialist. Or they are sometimes halfway through something when she gets back and she says she is lost and behind in her work.

Then because the teacher wasn't teaching the rest of the class math while dd was gone, dd sits and does her math worksheets independently or plays math games online while the class is instructed in math by the teacher for 75 min.

I have a meeting scheduled for Monday morning to address this with the learning specialist and classroom teacher. I don't know if this is allowed in special ed but it seems to me that it will make dd struggle more in other areas besides math if she is missing that instruction. Then she ends up spending about 2 hours a day on math... An hour and fifteen minutes of that time doing busy work. Does anybody know if there are any special ed laws regarding what students aren't allowed to miss when pulled out for special ed instruction?

Last edited by mountainmom2011; 10/24/14 02:17 PM.