I am not all that concerned about the academics that he is receiving in Pre-K. He is a little boy and I want him to play and have fun and work on interacting with others and making friends. He is bored during the lesson time but it isn't that long and I keep trying to give him ideas of things to do after he is done and others are still working.

I am concerned about what is going to happen once he gets to kindergarten and beyond because he is more advanced. Kensington does have kindergarten so hopefully they will allow him to start next year, which would technically be early since he would be starting when still 4. Then we could transfer to a public school as a 1st grader. I just don't want him to get screwed with having a fall birthday. I can't imagine him not being allowed to start kindergarten until almost 6 when his "peers" are learning things that he could do when he was 3. That is messed up.

It was Avery Coonley. Elgin and Palatine are too far out of the way for us. I guess we will stay where we are for now and see what happens. The hard cutoff is nuts to me. How can they not consider the capabilities of the children?