Well, unfortunately it is not a satire. It is written by a Ph Doctor in medecine working in an hospital and published in a French "scientific" journal http://www.perspectives-psy.org/articles/ppsy/abs/2011/01/ppsy2011501p32/ppsy2011501p32.html.
Hopefully, not every doctor is like that in France but there are lots of freundian or Lacanian thinkers in France and they have an influence. I just share it with you as it is really freaking Honestly I can't believe such things can be written by a doctor in medecine.

DeeDee, as far as my DS is concerned, it is a long time since i wanted to write something on this forum. But I cannot find the time as it can be quite a long story. I got in the "misdiagnosis ... " book by Webb et al. during last summer and I kind of loose how to diagnose my DS in that book (at least a serious book with no prisoning mirrors :)). DS seems not truly to fit in anywhere but a little bit everywhere ...

Sorry for the English !