Hi there,

I do not know what is the exact situation in the US (I guess more advanced than in France), but below is the abstract from a French psychiatrist (who is working in a big Paris hospital). So if you live in Paris and have issues with your ADD gifted kid you can have the "chance" to have her as your partner (so it is not as funny as it could seem) ...(even in French for a French it is quite hard to follow)

"Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a psychodynamic approach derived from clinical observation

In keeping with the clinical observation of children suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as defined by DSM-IV-R we tried to unveil a psychic functioning specific to this condition. That is to say with respect to the psychoanalytic stance, a specific relation of the subject to the signifier. Deriving our thesis from Freud and Lacan works we delineated the structure of the relationship between the object, the jouissance and the subject, the latter, although come through, would have gone back, not being able to go on speaking. The child could not stand himself as a speaking subject, unable to withstand the relationship to the lack within the symbolic order. The symbolic fragility of the ambient speech has probably taken its own part. In addition, objects to be consumed might have contributed to cover the lack. ADHD appeared as the expression of islets of jouissance Other related to impairments in the child’s subjective identity processes. The child is somewhere else, outside the field of the relationship, in a meaningless area. Passing through mirror games as a prisoner he is playing again a scene in which he has been able in the past, to seize himself through motion as an image connected with language. But, while replaying the scene, he is bearing neither expectation, nor request or address toward the other one. The crucial issue would then be to know which kind of mirror the other one will revealed himself to be."

Sorry for the English !