Originally Posted by aeh
We use external supports to make internal executive functions visible. For example, using a timer to help define time-on-task/sustained attention. Discussing what it feels like when one is focused. Exploring the kind of internal and external cues that help one to remember tasks. Visual cues for transitions, task lists, and schedules. Constant, frequent, specific reinforcement and shaping of self-management behaviors. Leaving lots of time for multistep tasks and transitions (such as leaving the house for anything), so that we have the time to verbalize planning and organization strategies, and to allow supported attempts at implementing them. Collaboration with the child to problem-solve through difficult-to-change behaviors. Much repetition and patience!

Thanks for that! We were thinking about using a timer for some activities and it's good to hear that might help. I'll see if we can make some adjustments to our current routine. Right now homework has been a nightmare because even those she understands the materials it takes her forever to complete it because she's so easily distracted. She's also a serious perfectionist so that plays a lot into the time things take too.