I think that if you ask the teacher her thoughts, and then give her articles to show her a different perspective, she will take it like you are arguing with her or criticizing her viewpoint. I've never tried to give teachers articles on giftedness, but I have tried articles on disabilities, or at least I've given them links in emails and said "I found this helpful in understanding DS (or DD). The article lists some modifications that were helpful for a similar sounding child" (or whatever...I'm just making this up). I think the key is to make it come across like you are trying to help her, rather than make her think differently. I also think it's helpful to actually go in and talk to the teacher one on one (assuming you are not too upset, because that would probably be apparent, at least with myself, it's hard to hide. In that case I'm better off with emails which I can go back and re-write if they come off too strong).