For years now one of my son's favorite leisure/destress activities has been to twirl a stick while daydreaming. I've always considered it fairly harmless, although antisocial. He is off in a fantasy dream world, and he twirls a big stick while circling, pacing on the lawn. He is a teenager and has become fairly self conscious about this activity and has cut back a lot. Although I'm not sure this has helped because I think it helps his stress level.

But I've never heard of him doing this overly at school, instead he tends to doodle a lot. He has learned when the time & place is for this activity. Although perhaps it's part of his issues with school. He has recently been tested and is not ADHD but is borderline ASD. He is underperforming and tends to get bored a lot in class and not turn things in.

Last edited by bluemagic; 10/05/14 02:43 PM.