Originally Posted by KJP
DS7 has always paced/skipped while daydreaming. He'll get going in a circuit around an empty area or just go back and forth and get lost in his own head a while.

He will go a few days without doing it if the situation isn't right or he's occupied with reality. We went on vacation with my brothers family and he was so busy playing with his cousins he didn't do it all week.

He does seem to enjoy it. It is a "thing" to do for him. Like reading, watching TV, playing with toys or riding his bike, he'll announce that he is going to go think.

I was wondering if it might be channelled into exercise at some point. Maybe running, swimming or cycling? I think running at a track or swimming laps would be safest because he is so in his head, I think he'd be dangerous in traffic.

I started a similar thread about tantrums resulting from this. My DD is on a swim team and swims 4-5 hours a week. I think she daydreams while swimming, though. I insisted she play Settlers of Catan with me last night, rather than reading or daydreaming. It helped, I think.

I may find a hands-on kit for her to do with DH while I'm at work so that she's problem solving instead of day dreaming. iDK