Our DS6.5 loves science and math. Lately he's been working on electron configurations and learning more about the basics of quantum physics. We will often peruse the offerings of our local science center and natural history museum for possible classes or workshops he could attend (he's home schooled). The problem we encounter is that most all of these offerings are clustered by age, and he's not terribly interested in what is available for 6 year-olds—usually rudimentary science exemplified by simple, but theatrical demonstrations and little explanation.

When he has attended summer camps at the science center, it's about 5% basic science and 95% crafts, games and distractions with dubious ties to the subject matter. He really craves more, but we can't seem to break through the age-ism inherent in these organizations' bureaucracy.

Has anyone here successfully lobbied museums, schools, labs, libraries, etc. into letting their children participate in more advanced workshops, tours or classes? What are successful strategies you've employed?