Cool! We are still on the ladder up to blkbelt, ds8- high green, dh is green and I am a lowly yellow, just tested the other day. We really do love it. DD2 already does an awesome front kick! Sounds like your ds has really amazing energy levels!!

Originally Posted by elh0706
It never seems to reach a point that it takes the edge of his energy levels so he can sit through a repetitive boring day at school.

My son has some tolerance for school because he wants to be with other kids...but now that he has a chance to at least be in a 1 hour pull out he is actually a little excited about school itself. We have not had him eval'd for add or adhd although some relatives have asked about our ds...when I see what he can do with something he's really interested in I am reassured that he is ok, and he does seem to be growing out of some of the more extreme pinging off the walls... wink
Good luck with the Alert program, it sounds like a pretty positive program. smile