Raptor_dad- First, the school itself says it's play based. From my older son being in the same class a few years ago, it's mostly play. It is associated with a church and he's there less than 3 hours a day. During that time, he starts and ends on the playground, with recess as well. When they complete their worksheet, they can play in the classroom. There is music, chapel, and snack. In saying this, the school does work to prepare kids for kindergarten. (We live in a high achieving, competitive public school district.)

Cynthialcy- ds has been at this school since age 2. He seems to like his teachers and the activities, just not the work.

Aquinas- I agree that 4 year olds shouldn't have to do worksheets. When the teachers spoke to me about my older son (ds7 starting refusing to do the worksheets by Feb of his year), they explained the worksheets in prek was exposure and an idea of what kindergarten would be like (sooo many worksheets there which made me sick). I may try to reach out to the teachers since it is on September and May is a long way away. Maybe they have some ideas about how to handle this?

Side note: what is very interesting is these teachers told me ds7 would not do well in public school. They were totally right. My dh and I are wondering what they will say about this son. Yikes!