DS8 has had a 2e IEP since grade 1, we haven't been through an IPRC.

I've been told (by the superintendent of spec ed for our board) that an IEP is legally binding regardless of whether they have been formally identified through an IPRC. In our particular board a little under 58% of the kids that have IEP's have not been down the IPRC route.

That being said I know of groups representing other exceptionalities that strongly encourage pushing for an IPRC. There is a formal appeal process that they feel gives it more strength. It probably helps their advocacy efforts when they have more kids formally identified (if they don't go through an IPRC they are lumped under "unidentified" in the stats).

ABC Ontario recently updated their website with more info on IPRCs and IEPs. I haven't made it through all of it but there is some great info there.

ETA - If a parent requests an IPRC in writing the principal has to give you a date for the meeting within 15 days (note the meeting doesn't have to be within 15 days just picking the date has to be).

Last edited by chay; 09/19/14 01:32 PM.