On another note, the amount of assessment taking place is probably not nearly as much as it sounds like (though still more than is necessary, or more accurately, not done in a time/cost effective manner). The F/P assessments are built into the curriculum, as are the MiF and On Demand writing assessments. Once upon a time, we just called some of these pretests and chapter tests. I'm not familiar with the exact form of writing by this name, but the description sounds like it is a quick 5- or 10-minute writing blast, such as many English teachers use for warm-up work (often called bellwork, journal, or freewrite). It's usually scored on a very narrow rubric (you may have heard the term FCA or MUG), which makes it quick and easy as a formative assessment.

The main concern I would have about exchanging MAP testing for this collection of portfolio materials is that the menu described is either highly teacher-dependent, or reliant on local norms (this is assuming the interim assessments are some form of cbm (curriculum-based assessment (measure)). Though if they were using cbm, it shouldn't take 30-60 minutes per student. More like about 5.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...