Originally Posted by intparent
I got in trouble at work once as an adult for not responding to a client who said "Hi" when passing me in the hall. I honestly never saw/heard the guy... was too busy thinking about solving his messy business problems.

My D is borderline Asperger's (have had testers tell me she probably is, and some say she isn't). I do know that I often have to provide her with very specific social scenarios and responses that wouldn't need to be explained to most people.

I not only don't see or hear people but I have such poor facial recognition skills that when they do manage to get my attention i often can't recognise them out of context. I can remember heaps of details about someone just not their name or what they look like! She will just have to get good at sincere apologies and have a ready explanation people can accept - don't tell them you were wondering if the building would collapse in an earthquake, worrying about a test is better.