I recently watched the very first episode of Parenthood, where the little boy has Asperger's. There was a moment that really resonated with me, when a classmate tells him hi and the boy completely ignores him. My dd does this all the time, I've seen it myself in the very same situation in school where I'm dropping her off at her cubby and a classmate will tell her hi, or say they like her dress or something and she flat out ignores them.

Dd has had social difficulties the past few years (she's in 3rd this year) and last year she said she feels invisible to her classmates. I've observed her behavior and it seems like situations like this hallway scenario, and other things she does gives kids the wrong message about her and could be contributing to her inability to form lasting friendships.

I think if she does have Asperger's she's probably found ways to adapt to fit in as she's not nearly as 'symptomatic' as she was a preschooler. Also, didn't they just change the diagnostic criteria for Autism/Asperger's making it harder for kids to be diagnosed?

I've tried talking to her teacher about my concerns but she doesn't seem to think there is a problem and that it could just be her giftedness. Her teacher and principal have gone to seminars for children with Asperger's and have said that the profile fits nearly every student in her HG class.

Is there anything I can do at home/school to help her socially?