Both our daughters are AG, but DD9 has been single subject accelerated in math - right into her sister's class. I did not want that to happen, but the timing of their classes just worked out that way. But, DD9 may be moving to a different school and may get whole grade skipped. Of course I am following the thread about grade skipping and what happens years later. But what is concerning our family right now is DD10. Her friends are constantly asking her why her little sister is in her class. DD10 is wondering if she is "stupid" because her little sister is doing the same work as she. So for you who have dealt with grade skipping, how did it affect family dynamics? What can one say to the older child that will convince them that they are valuable and special?
BTW, we are an adoptive family so no one is genetically related - that info about siblings having similar IQ's does not apply. It is rather interesting that both girls are similarly doing well in math (DD10 just not to the same extent). My husband and I both have grad degrees so we aren't intellectual slouches, but we have to stay on our toes to make sure both are well educated plus we keep a tight grip on the psychologist for much needed help!!!