I appreciate the suggestions. I'm waiting to hear from his audiologist, but his occupational therapist is going to do an evaluation to see how he is doing. I talked with her about the fact that the school says no evaluation is needed because he wouldn't qualify for anything because he is working above grade level. She thinks that's probably true for this district and that we would probably be able to get 504 accommodations at most. I think trying to get a school eval would be an exercise in frustration under the circumstances (everyone I have asked says it is pointless because of his academic level, even though technically he should still be eligible).

He has been evaluated extensively, most recently last summer, but we had been planning all along to do more this fall.

I'm not feeling confident we will be able to get much even if he does qualify for a 504.

The audiologist told me before that he needed to be 8 before he could have more extensive testing there.

How do the ear plugs work?

Last edited by apm221; 09/11/14 04:20 PM.