I've posted here before about how my DS had severe delays but has made a lot of progress. I've been concerned that some things were difficult for him, though, and I think it's getting clearer what those are. He is 7 and in first grade.

His teacher told me today he had misbehaved badly. Apparently he wouldn't explain why he didn't complete a worksheet. I asked him why he didn't do it. He says that she writes on the board and he is supposed to copy it but can't keep up. He said he usually starts before she does so he can finish it even though he is supposed to wait. He also says he has trouble understanding what she says when everyone is talking, so it is hard to respond to her questions.

This seems to make a lot of sense in explaining his problems and he has a history of difficulty with handwriting (he has had OT for it).

So I need to figure out now what to ask them for so he doesn't get in trouble for having difficulty. I have called his OT to get advice about his writing and am going to contact his audiologist tomorrow. It seems to me that he just needs more time to write and for the teacher to give him a chance to understand what she says.

Does anyone have other suggestions for things that might help?

Last edited by apm221; 09/10/14 03:00 PM.