After talking to my DS4 preK teacher, I called his Pedi. After a 10 min phone chat, he wants me to come in for an evaluation. Bringing examples of DS4 writing and drawing. Any "contraptions" he has created or build. Examples of his math skills, etc.
DS also has some social/ sensory issues. Getting overwhelmed (screaming and or shutting down), not socializing at school, and frustration with circle time (really anything he has to stop and be still, or is just not challenging).
To us, it's just the way he is. I am aware of the issues, but he's only 4 and it's something we can work on as he gets older. Pedi mentioned a occupational therapist, but I am not sure if it's needed and I don't want him to be labeled.

Hubs wants to wait until the end of PreK and reevaluate. If he is still having issues, then have an appointment. I am also fine with this but wanted some advice.