Last year our district started identifying kids for "high ability services" according to MAP test results (95% cutoff in either math or reading on the winter test). DD was identified and so we received class placement for this year(3rd grade).
The problem is there are only 8 girls and 21 boys in the class! It is extremely lopsided. Not only are there 21 boys, many of them are foreign born and DD says she has trouble understanding them as well as them understanding the material they've been given (language issues).

A 2nd high ability class that DD mentioned to me does not look like this. That is the class where many of the kids she was formerly in class with last year or year's before went for this year (ie. PTA board members children, etc.).

DH and I had an awful time with the school system last year and I don't want to get into another struggle this year, but this just seems really unusual to me. Also, with so few girls DD is having trouble with the friend issue again.

Why would a principal create such a lopsided classroom? Why not try and spread high ability kids more evenly instead of lumping all the foreign boys and a few girls together? I would expect to see this in college engineering classes but at the elementary level it seems extreme and unusual. And with the makeup of the 2nd class, not even necessary.