Originally Posted by Dude
DD9's school has already started, and last night she blew up because her schedule has her in an ELA gifted pull-out, then goes back to a homeroom for forty minutes before lunch, where they're doing ELA. The homeroom teacher has decided to make DD journal during that time, despite the fact she's already doing it in the gifted pull-out. How much journaling can a kid do every day?

DD has already given self-advocacy a shot, and it's a brand-new teacher, but nothing has happened yet after more than a week and a couple of reminders to more than one teacher, so DD is naturally upset. I'm giving them one more day to handle it themselves before I bang my head against the desk and I type the same email I send every [thump] stinking [thump] year [thump].

Oh, and yesterday DW had to make an emergency stop on the way home so DD could relieve herself, seeing as how the school-wide policy is "go during recess, or suffer the consequences." Ummm... elementary kids?

For that one I would deluge them with research on the damage done to the bladder by holding on and the risks of UTIs. I think you would find most parents would object to that one.

And as to the "trying to manipulate me" how else is he supposed to get his needs met? If he doesn't like school then there is probably a reason.

And while I am being grumpy, how come the school can't teach a PG kid to write or challenge him in maths?

Last edited by puffin; 08/22/14 03:53 AM.