I bet a steady diet of Disney movies and fairy tales would have helped.
Pictures DS, five at the time, was thrown by in his school readiness test, where it was in the room:

And, not a cultural issue, but my favourite, because it makes you wonder just what the people who design these tests arts thinking:

Tell, at a glance, how many red apples in a green tree.

Um, I did mention just minutes ago, he's colourblind, didn't i? You made a note of it right there. You are aware, of course, that this might be a concern for up to ten percent of the male population, all of which will have trouble even identifying those red apples in that green tree, let alone be able to say how many the are at a glance?

And the most embarrassing one he simply couldn't think if an answer to, for Cognitive testing for an ASD eval, age four:

Why do we have to wash every day?

I wasn't in the room for that one, so I wasn't compelled to explain, um, we do wash, at least the grown ups do, but it's winter, and he's got reactive airways, and whenever we bathe or shower him in winter' he invariably comes down with obstructive bronchitis no matter how careful we are about heat and hats and drafts, so, except for hand washing, well...he probably couldn't even remember when he last had a wash. (We finally got rid of that problem by leaving out the expensive Weleda bath oils with essential oils and just used cheap soap...)

Tricky business, that test design thing.