Thanks for the reply. I am glad to know that we could only take the WPPSI�IV once every two years. Personally, I prefer not to do any test prep as it will made the testing result unrealistic.

Do you guys know anything about WIAT-III? Will it be too early to take the "academic achievement test" since she will not go to school until 2016?

I just found that we could skip kindergarten and go to first grade by taking an acceleration test in June 2016 for the the First Grade of 2016�2017. We are thinking about to home school her for PK , then put her in a good kindergarten next year. Then take the test for First Grade.

However some moms recommended me not to go for the acceleration route as the academic level in PISD (plano, TX) is above average. She said many First Grade kids in her elementary school has Third Grade level math and reading ability, and most of them will go to a magnet program instead of skipping a grade. I also heard that student could only accelerate once in the system.

Early in March, she had an hour long assessment done by a gifted preschool. I guess she just sit-in with some older kids and the teacher observed how her responded. I have no idea on what has happened as I was not allowed to stay in the campus. Anyway, the teacher said she is a smart cookie and at PK level.

I am very lost. Will the test serves some meaning at this point?