Hi, my DD will be four by November. She could read by herself, almost finished Suzuki Violin Book1 (good memory and fast learning), has sequencial memory when she played mighty mind in same order and color pattern.

1) I am not sure whether she is talent.
2) Since she was born in November and will missed the Sept 1 cut off date, she will be with bunch of five years old when she was six in kindergarten. If she is gifted, wouldn't it be bad to sort of holding her back? (as I am not a big friend for red shirting)

Because of these reasons, I am wondering whether I should have her tested. I has approached a local tester and was recommended to have her tested on the WPPSI-IV for ability and WIAT-III for academic achievement.

Should I go to PISD to do some facts founding first or go ahead to have her tested so I know whether I am just being crazy or she is a smart cookie.

Do you guys do any practice before taking the test? Since I have no idea on those two test, a tons of training schools shown up when I google those test name on the web. I do want to get an idea of what the test is about.

If someone has experience in this area (pisd, missed Cut off date) , please give me some advice!