My experience is that if the school system is allowing you any early enterance or grade skipping - take it! For radical acceleration it seems that the expert to read is Exceptionally Gifted Children (Paperback) by Miraca Gross.

My school district won't allow even single subject acceleration for my DS9. If they had caught him earlier he wouldn't have had to face leaving friends behind, which I think is harder on a kid than early enterance. BTW, I myself am a product of early enterance, and it seems I got the worst of both worlds. I felt bad that my handwriting wasn't pretty and girlish, and I was languishing in the classroom due to lack of challenge. It is true that people mis-attribute all their misery to any noticible difference - for me it was "'cause I'm the youngest." Of course, if my parents had been more upfront about "why" I was the youngest, or able to get additional single subject acceleration, things might have gone smoother - even so, it all worked out in the end.

My parent's explaination for my being the youngest was, "well, girls mature faster than boys, hem, hem...."

If it were up to me, all kids would be in multi-age classrooms. DS9 suggests hooking kids up to lie dectors and asking them what grade they belong it in each subject, and then putting them there.

Smiles -Trinity

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