What are you opinions on this? Do you think its better to skip your child in school or keep them in their grade with accelerated work? Obviously the childs' temperament and maturity level come in to play but let's assume that emotionally they could handle being skipped.

My dd is 5, she started kindergarten at 4yrs old. After moving to a new state and new school she was assessed after a week of starting school. Academically she's at 2nd grade level. By the end of the 3 weeks of testing Lauren was emotionally done with tests and being pulled out of class. The suggestion from the school was that she not be skipped since when asked to do a task she was not familiar with she got upset and put her head down. (she's a perfectionist and does not like not knowing something). Anyway, they determined this to be a bit of immaturity and felt she should stay in her current class with adjusted work. Although I know it was not immaturity but simply frustration at the weeks of testing etc and an umfamiliar question, I did agree that keeping her in kindergarten with adjusted work would be best for her since she was already a lot younger than the other children. Her kindergarten teacher actually didnt agree with the "maturity" statement, telling me that Lauren has been doing a special reading class with older children (3rd and 4th graders) and she is excelling and is doing very well socially with them.

A concern of mine is that Lauren has recently started telling me that school is boring. During spring break she insisted that she was not going back to Kindergarten but going to first grade instead. I asked her why and her response was "I already know everything. The kids in my class don't understand things like I do. Its boring and I don't want to go back." She is obviously aware that she is not like the other kids. She loves her classmates but is rebelling against the classwork etc. Since there's only 6 weeks left of school its really not an issue of skipping her now but in all honesty do you think its better to allow her to skip ahead or continue the accelerated work? (I know a lot of you have experience with this issue)

Sorry so long, but thanks for reading this far. Any advice is appreciated!