Glad to hear there is movement in a positive direction! Especially that they're writing the 504 first, to get him jump started on the school year, while concurrently collecting more testing data for a possible IEP.

The KABC-II is a cognitive measure, like the WISC-IV, but tends to favor nonverbally-strong kids. The KTEA-II is an achievement test, with some optional phonological awareness subtests, and a decent set of writing subtests (better than the WJ). OWLS stands for Oral and Written Language Scales, and does what it says. Reasonable alternative to the TOWL. The BRIEF is a rating scale of executive function, which is valuable as it captures how his EF skills present in various natural contexts. The Delis-Kaplan assesses EF directly, through standardized in vitro tasks.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...