Here is the original thread discussing DS13's WJIII and CELF-4.

So, I met with the district Special Services director and head psychologist this morning. The psychologist agreed that there is something wrong and DS13's processing speed was slow. Member aeh also mentioned to me the coding vs decoding and how DS13 seems to code better than decode. The psychologist agreed and stated that she felt it was from the years of speech therapy.

In addition to the processing speed, the psychologist also agreed that there was a fairly large PSW. More than enough to be a concern. She felt it was also a concern that the WJIII and CELF-4 had fairly sizable discrepancies in numbers reversed. There was also concern that he had issues with Words-Expressive and was unable to explain similarities between two items.

So, it was decided that a 504 plan will be initiated before the start of school. He will also be going through further testing to see what the discrepancies are between more tests. He will be taking:
and either The Brief or the Delis-Kaplan for his executive function.

Hopefully we will be able to get more answers very soon!