Originally Posted by incogneato
I REALLY like Aleks math for afterschooling. They cover all that geometry stuff, it's well done. For purposes of after-schooling for a child who advance quickly.....I think DD could get away with 30 minutes a day, 2x per week. If she wants to do more, great, go for it.

My big thing lately is homework. I not going to scream at the school if DD's aren't working at their learning level all day. But I DO NOT want to see homeword come home covering material they are already proficient in.
Okay, I'm going to sleep now, you should too!!!! smile

Sleep on it!

Ingcogneato, You just described my approach exactly: roughly a half hour of maths twice a week. This amount of time seems to be enough to retain previous lessons and learn new stuff.

As for the homework, I had a deal last year with my eldest (8): I did his 2nd grade maths homework in exchange for the two sessions that were at his level (I can imitate his handwriting pretty well). Everyone was happy.

Kickball, have you investigated the precise meaning of GT pullout time in the PS? In some places, it means playing brain-type games or doing extra activities rather than true acceleration or even in-depth studies of grade-level work. The time you cited (225 min) isn't even 4 hours per week, which is not a lot.

Also, what does the catholic school mean by "grade floating"? Does it mean that your daughter will be tested and spend the whole year in what she tests into (ex. 4th grade maths, 5th grade reading)? Will the catholic school make an accomodation for middle school level needs if it's only a primary school?

My suggestion is to get all the concerete information you can find. Get DETAILS.
