Originally Posted by psychland
I am asking for parents to brainstorm. If you could create the ideal educational environment where your child was academically challenged and getting appropriate social interaction for their age what would that look like? I am hoping to get some ideas and find common threads among the ideas so please be specific and don't try to be reasonable:)!

The Davidson Academy is pretty much doing this right, from what I can tell.

I would not consider private tutoring at the student's own preferred pace to be entirely ideal. The reason that I feel that way is that child-led learning has a place, but there is also a time to learn patience, stamina, and work-ethic, and to have a realistic sense of one's own innate ability in a comparative sense.

Being with classmates who are of similar readiness levels is helpful there. Note that I didn't say that AGE grouping in a cohort was useful, because I tend to think that it is not.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.