DS finished the recommended intense four week session. It was expensive (around $8,000) for the 80 hours of instruction. However, there are other benefits to their program. First, they invited his teachers (5 in all) to the center to show his progress and learn about how they work with him. They are also coming to his school (over an hour away) in the fall to see how he is doing and to work with his teachers. He gets follow up testing this year and every year from now on. All of this extra stuff is covered by the $8,000.

I have not received the post instruction test results but during the last week of instruction my dyslexic entering first grader who was struggling with BOB books ths time last year, was reading at the fifth/sixth grade level.

Lindamood Bell does not get the credit for all that progress. He goes to a good school, we've been doing Toe by Toe at home and he had just matured a bit.

I do think Seeing Stars was a worthwhile investment of our money and his time. He has a new skill for visualizing words.

He really loves reading now and working on it and experiencing improvement with effort has greatly improved his attitude towards tasks that are not immediately easy. We've seen this in bike riding, frustrating video games, and chores.

He also really likes being ahead and it is causing him to push himself in other areas like math. I wouldn't consider him a gifted math kid. He has never been very interested in numbers but did have a respectable 98th percentile math reasoning score on the WIAT last year. His math at school is self paced. This week he came home saying he "busted" through all the math to get to multiplication. He has never really pushed himself to get to higher level stuff before.

So overall, good stuff is happening with DS6.