Yes, EDM just sounds like a bad idea after Singapore math...I will try the book you refer to HowlerKarma, and see what happens. Only problem is, when we return to school in August, he is going to have to go right back to EDM frown

I have a lot of anxiety about algebra specifically, and I did a google search to try and figure out what the deal was and found all these apparently intelligent people posting on how they had the exact same problem (inability to master algebra). Some have dyscalculia, but others said they had been tested and have no learning disability. I found others (mathy others) that have stated online that it is due to a lack of mastering- and more importantly *understanding* -the fundamental rules of algebra. I know when I needed to complete algebra for my BA I studied like crazy and still barely passed it. And of course, the more anxious I got, the less I remembered how to do it. I want to make sure that both DC have a good feeling about math. I think I might take an online algebra class to see if I don't feel anxious how I do... it would be interesting to see what happens. In the meantime, I will see if a going back to Singapore makes a difference.