Hi Susan,
I like Debbie's point!
But, while you have the time, I'm reccomending that you do your homework.

Have you figured out what your "solutions to try" are?
(Schools like it better if you have a ready made answer)
Have you figured out if the scores are against 1st or 2nd graders? This could likely be done over email.
Did you/can you:
1) Try to get a handle on where you son it at academically - build a resume of what kinds of work he can do. Work with him at home and see what academic level of work suits him in all the subject areas. If possible borrow some homework from kids who are 1, 2, 3 and 4 years ahead of him. Get lexile levels for the books he is reading at home.

2) figure out if you son is a candidate for grade skipping - if he's highly gifted he may need a two year jump. Read the Iowa Acceleration Guide Manual for more details.

3) Find a way for the gifted teacher of the 3rd grade program to meet your child and for you to sit in and watch what they are doing in the classroom. Many of us have found that 3 hours a week or less of a "pull-out" program is basically useless. Remember that Gifted programs tend to be aimed toward the majority of gifted children. The majority is clumped at the bottom of whatever range they are picking from. This is terrific if your child fits - can be a big dissapointment/waste of time if your child doesn't.

4) Join your state gifted association. Try to talk to someone from your state.

Does this look overwhelming? It is. And it's not fair. So pout and vent, and then get in gear. Pick a direction and move in it. And celebrate the steps you have gotten so far. Every little bit helps! Isn't Parenting a surpise?

Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com