I spoke with DS about chess club and asked him a lot of questions about whether anything had happened there, etc. He was very clear with me that nothing had gone on.

The most parsimonious explanation for his test results might cause poor sleep and irritability, which could lead to loss of concentration. We should know more in a couple of weeks. If the #s do not resolve, this may be a long process.

I am happy to say that the poor handwriting issue seems to have been temporary, or at least sporadic. He recently wrote some beautiful stories for me. I will say that we do notice, though, that some days seem better than others. It's hard not to overinterpret once you become concerned about your child. Every ordinary lapse becomes troubling.

DS had an unusual medical history as a baby, which does not help my sanity. It is possibly he has some kind of genetic variation or metabolic issue.

Thanks for the support. We are trying just not to think about it too much. We have been down this road before with him. There are things about him that ding doctors' bells, but nothing definitive has ever been found.

Last edited by ultramarina; 07/11/14 07:02 AM.