Hi Slammie,
Our DS6 is receiving outside OT services (our insurance covers a portion) to address sensory challenges. His profile is different than your DD's: he is extremely sensitive/anxious about certain noises to the point that he would scream and run in fear when he heard certain noises (nature sounds and electrical sounds). In addition, we have the impulsivity, never-stop-talking, and extremely high energy level that you describe. The latter difficulties were described by the OT to be due, in part, to "retained primitive reflexes"... For example, he still has the moro reflex (infant startle), and several others. We have been doing OT since March 1x/week. I have to say I was really skeptical at first but my husband and I were talking last night about how the "freak outs" over noises have decreased dramatically and he does seem to have better coping. Is it due wholly to OT, or is it the result of time? I cannot say.