DD6 has major issues with clothing and walks on her tip toes most of the time when she is bare foot. She is also quite impulsive, has a very high energy level and talks nonstop. Literally.

Prior to about 4 years old, she did not have any problems dressing. In the last year, her sensory issues has become so bad that most days she has massive explosive tantrums when getting dressed.
She dislikes constricting, scratchy, long sleeves/pants, tight elastic and seams particulary under arms and socks. Last year we managed to ge through it by having her put it on for 15 minutes, helping her get through the intense discomfort and then she would mostly forget about it. Now, it is out of control and my older DS is becoming disturbed by her tantrums.
Washing clothes does not help and in fact after a few wears she will refuse to wear them as they start to shrink and become uncomfortably tight. Because she is so thin for her age, clothes literally hang off her, so it's a challenge finding clothes that are loose that won't fall of her body.

Have any of your DCs received sensory therapy for this particular issue? Our insurance won't cover it - it will be very costly and I would appreciate if you could share your experiences with me. Thank you!

Last edited by slammie; 07/07/14 09:20 PM.