Aeh thank you so much for all your help -to me and to all the other people confused by testing, truly your time and expertise is very much appreciated... you are really helpful and thank you. What you say makes sense, and because of his FSIQ I wasn't sure he would test as HG, but at least if he got into the gifted program I could show them the other testing to support the HG with his GAI. Since he isn't even gifted by their standards, and they won't likely let me talk to the psychologist, I'm not sure what I can do about it.

Right now I am having a really hard time because I just don't know what to do for my DS. Maybe the right thing is not to do anything. Both my kids have all the gifted characteristics of over excitability and deep thoughts and serious interests that are their own - but without the need or even apparently the desire for accelerated academic advancement. Maybe if my son was in the gate program he would just be taking space from some child who really needed it.

And unfortunately I don't know that he has a specific area of academic talent. Maybe this will all be clearer as he grows up - at least I hope so.