Originally Posted by ashley
At age 6, my DS has changed schools 3 times already and we are still looking at better options and expect to change schools a few more times!

We live in an area with access to very high quality enrichment opportunities and we also afterschool intensively. We don't think that we will find a school that is the perfect match for DS. Based on my experience, my advise would be to either move to Reno and enroll your child in Davidson academy or to move to an area that best suits your careers and find the best option for your child's education there. A highly gifted child like yours can easily outpace any acceleration that a school can provide. I have visited some schools that have a high reputation for catering to the highly gifted child and shadowed their classrooms and was underwhelmed by what they were teaching in the classrooms. But, a positive aspect of these "gifted" schools is that your child has a lot of peers at his LOG. Good luck.

Thank you for your candor, ashley! Finding kids of remotely similar LOG would be amazing - I just want him to connect to his peers in a meaningful way, which is few and far between right now.

I know there is most likely no perfect situation, and if we managed to find one, it probably wouldn't last. But I'm a research by nature (and occupation) and so...collecting information to make make informed decisions it just how I tick. I feel compelled to find out as much as I can - it's my way of taking some control over the situation. Luckily DH is the more laid back one, so he is usually there to reel me in when I start delving too deep, too fast, lol.

Thanks everyone for any info provided, we will definitely keep locations in mind as the post-doc search trundles on. smile

Last edited by Marnie; 06/26/14 07:16 AM.