Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Actually, there IS a distinct rise in narcissistic traits in the generations post-X. That's documented.
Not so much. Here is a good intro to the issues with that claim. Skip to paragraph 7 if you're in a hurry. Very briefly, the problems are:

1) Some researchers find no rise in NPI scores.

2) The NPI doesn't measure pathological narcissism anyway, but rather a set of characteristics that may be more positive, and in moderation may provide resiliance to difficult circumstances.

3) "Were a narcissism epidemic truly striking the United States, we ought to be seeing signs of it, but we're not. . . . Rates of teen pregnancy, substance abuse, smoking, and dropping out of high school are all down . . . more high-school students are taking difficult courses like calculus and advanced science. . . . And, as far as selfishness goes, evidence suggests that young people are engaged in community service and other civic activities more than before."