My DD is a self described "fashionista" and really enjoys picking out gifts that are "just right" for people she cares about. Usually she selects a piece of jewelry but has also gotten a nice scarf or special box of cookies. She really puts a lot of consideration into each one. There is a chain here in the US that offers very steep discounts plus additional 20%-30% coupons so we can get nice gifts for about $5 each. Almost without fail the individual (teacher, OT, SW, para, etc) seems to have genuinely appreciated the gift, especially because DD really has a knack for matching their individual tastes.

It is interesting how her selection has corresponded so closely to my view of individual job performances on her behalf. Last year she had a teacher for 2nd grade who did *nothing* for her. She had a very pleasant demeanor and to outsiders seems oh so nice. But she did absolutely nothing for DD. We made her IEP more and more specific in an effort to create a connect the dots scenario that anyone could follow. And yet this particular teacher just couldn't (or wouldn't) do it. A totally wasted year for a 2E kid who really didn't have a year to waste. Despite being oh so nice DD did not include a gift for her when selecting gifts for all the adults at school who worked with her. Yeah for that one we didn't even contribute to the class gift...