Some of us have kids that seem naturally headed towards academic careers, and it might be hard to see what else they could do. Let's brainstorm about alternatives, because we don't want to put all our eggs in one basket.

There are two parts to this.
1. What are those other careers?
2. How do we prepare to be versatile for this wider range?
(The answers depend on the kid of course.)

I'll compare and contrast DS8 (monolithically mathy) and DD5 (more uniformly skilled and versatile) to make the point.

DD5 will probably be fine. With no teacher other than herself so far, she's taught herself a bit of arithmetic, and to read (at 3) and writes a little bit. She is an avid reader. She is also extremely social, and when we go to the park, she'll find a playmate faster than you can blink. We haven't tested yet, but even if she's "only" 98th or 99th %ile across the board in these academic skills, she'll be fine and will have plenty of options with those academic skills and social skills.

However DS8 was born with all his eggs in one basket. He is totally mathy, easily above 99.9th %ile. Though an early self taught reader (at 2), he is not an avid reader. He finds it grueling to read something lengthy, and writing (composing text) is especially burdensome. So the reading and writing are relative weaknesses; he's still well above average, but they require effort. Social skills, however is an absolute weakness. He can be quite socially awkward and inept, though he's okay in a tolerant environment.

DS8 could become a mathematician, but we'd better have a plan B. He might not get a job, or he might want to do something else, and in any case we need more options.

So for DS8 (or anyone extremely mathy, not so read-y, not so writey, and somewhat socially challenged)
1. What are the most suitable careers?
2. How do we prepare him to have these options?

Those of you with kids who seem naturally headed towards academic careers, what are your thoughts on preparing for alternatives? I know it might seem young for career planning, but for DS8 (not DD5) I feel like I need to think this through now.