New member today, thought I'd jump right in with a new question.

My DD finished 6th grade today. She complained all year of boredom despite being in both accelerated math and reading. She is also and early entrance student, so she is only 11. This put her two full years ahead of some of her peers who are not in accelerated classes.

For next year, I have considered open enrollment in another public district which might have a better gifted program. However, we would need to drive a considerable distance every day (and I am a working single mom with another child who has mental health issues).

I have also considered online school so she could go at a faster pace, but I would prefer she be in a classroom as she already struggles a lot with social interaction.

The school is somewhat open to an option for individualized learning (the school has iPads issued to each student but this is a newer format for teaching. How patient should I be? What other options do I have?